Wednesday, 7 December 2011

I've been tagged!

Its a GAME! yes! ive been tagged by my cousin angah . Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with 11 things,habits or goals about you.  At the end, choose six people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. 

First Step: Rules
  1. You must post these rules.
  2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their Journal.
  3. Answer the questions tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
  4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
  5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
  6. No tag back.!!
  7. No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU READ THIS!" YOU LEGITIMATE LY (a.k.a really, with all honesty) have tagged 11 people.
So, lets start.... n enjoy reading ^ ^

Second Step: 11 Things about me

1. Sy kurus. Eh tak..skrg da normal. Sejarah dulu laa, sgt kurus! Underweight! Berat masa umur 18-20 thn is 38kg dgn tggi 159cm!! Kalo angin tiup mmg rase nk terbang. Kalo dulu mkn la ape2 pon jgn harap nk nek..Skrg tidak lg.ewahhh..Thx to my best buddy..He really good in exercise. He asked me to jog n take essential nutrition in my daily meal to get d right balance. Now i realized that exercise keeps our body at a healthy weight. ehehe.. Skrg brt sy 50kg.teheee.. BMI da cun.auwww~

2. I love food. Yer, semua org pon suka mkn hehe.. =P 

3. Sy susah nak buat keputusan. Kalo bab shopping, jumpe 2 kaler yg cantek n tpaksa pilih, biasernye ending with beli dua2!hehehe..

4. Umur 24 tahun sy belajar berenang. Sy amek kelas.Skrg sy boleh berenang dgn 2 style. Breast stroke n free style. Suka sgttt!! Berenang is satu kepuasan pd sy! ^^ 

5. I think i am independent woman. An independent woman can go shopping alone!ahahaha... yes! Sy suka pegi shopping mines, midvelly, sogo, jusco, klcc sorg2..

6. Sy ade anak untuk disara. Myvi ezi 1.3. Skin color is white pearl. Hehe.. stiap bulan bg makan RM500. Sy dpt masa umur 23 tahun. At first pakai duit scholarship NSF then skrg monthly ditanggung sendiri. woahh~

7. Zaman kegemilangan sy rs nya time skolah menengah dulu kowt? Sgr rajin dan sgt baek heee..

8. Status sy skrg?Master student with research(final sem) and at the same time working at Institute for Public Health as assistant of research officer,now im handling Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) project. 

9. Cita2 sy nak bukak satu cafe. Macam Karen cafe dlm cerite One Tree Hill tuuu... 

10. Sekarang umur sy dah 25 tahun taw??hehe..

11. InsyaAllah bulan 3 tahun dpn sy akan kawen. Sy rs sy dah sedia fizikal, mental n kewangan hehe..Tp risau penerimaan org disekeliling sy..bsediakah mereka tuk melihat sy kawen?? 

Third Step: Answer the Questions

(This is for you angah, i will answer ur questions since ive been tagged)

1. Siapa paling anda suka stalk?

2. Rasa-rasa diri anda ni comel x?
Kdg2 rasa chomel sgttttt...kdg2 rs ok chomel jer..n kdg2 rs comot! =P

3. Kalau korang boleh bersemuka dengan aku, apa korang nak cakap or bagi? aku terima jerrrr
Nak ckp....ermmm bile nak kawen??=P 

4. Kalau umi aku jual kerepek and abah aku suka main njitnjit semut sampai berbalam, mak bapak korang pulak?
Abah suka maen n layan cucu dia ehehe.. n ma plak suka tgok hindustan smpai nangeh2..huhu

5. Setakat hidup lebih 15 tahun pastinya, apa benda korang paling suka?
ermmm..ntah la.. yg ni x reti nk jwb.. leh spesifik x?hee..

6. Menyesal x berguna. Tapi kalau buat lagi?
Kalo buat yg pastinya menyesal la lg! hehe..

7. Kalau jumpa ex-bf o ex-gf, agak-agak pe respon korang?
Senyum! pastu trus tanye bile nak kawen??hehe.. 

8. Kalau aku tahu bf aku ader awek lain, aku santau jer 22 orang tu, kalau korang??
Tak santau. Tp tanya byk2 soklan..bile korg start suke sm ske?nape?blablabla3...

9. Soalan aku semua nya xleh blah. Sajer2 buat korang cuak. boleh tanya sket, korang suka aku x??
Sudah pasti suka.

10. Bila nak kahwin?
InsyaAllah bln 3 taun dpn. Tarikh akn dibincangkan. Soon akan dihebohkan^^

11. Terima kasih sudi jawab semua soalan bodo kat atas. Soalan last ni aku serius nak tahu jawapan korang. Aper pendapat korang sal nikah khitbah??
In malay tu mksudnya nikah gantung. Ok jer. Tp kena bsedia dr segi mental. Better kawen dr     kapel lame2..n mendorong ke arah maksiat. 

Phewhhhhh!!okeh tamat sudah task yg sungguh berat neh. ehehe.. I think i wanna break d rules. No new questions to ask and no tag others. ok? 




  1. yang bulan 3 tu saya x sabar betul nak menghadirkan diri. cam x percaya. hilang la sowg ahli nak g berderat anak-anak dara HWAHWAHWA

  2. x percaya?empunya diri pom x percaya!! ehehhee...
    Majlis Mohor Besar Keluarga sudah mengeluarkan tarikh...hehe
    Jadik flower gurl deh?? =PPP
