Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Seoul Garden

Annyeong haseyo..어떻게 당신이 있습니다 

Da makan??blom??ape kate pi mkn kat Seoul...x jauh pon..hehe mimpi je la kalo dpt gi Seoul smpai 3-4 kali kn.. Bler la dpt jejak kaki kt negara winter sonata tu ntah bler..dpt gi Seoul Garden ni kire gembira abes ah...hati sng prot laaaaagi sng!! ngeee...

Seoul Garden??

Well, it's a place dat u can eat korean sizzling buffet. To make the whole steamboat korean, they hv those marinated chicken, beef, and fish like chicken bulgogi (spicy), tom yam, teriyaki, coffee etc.. Ni la yg wat dorg spesel compared to others steamboat buffet..kalo kt tmpt laen biasa nya x de marinate2 cenggini..n they provide 4 soups dat we can choose including Chinese Herbal, Ginseng Chicken, Tomyam and Kimchi soup.. Pilihan sy??tom yam! 

The marinated chicken, beef, fish etc.. seafood products including prawn,
lala, kepah, squid, mussel, scallop, crab etc..
Vege section
Noodles section and variety of sauces
Drinks n cold can refill anytime u want
Kimchi! x lgkap la kn kalo dtg cni x mkn kimchi..
Lets start!!

Ice kacang corner..juz put anything u letak byk2 jagung..
thus my ice kacang turn yellowish color!muahaha..
ice cream with variety flavors.. add on blended nuts+raisins+corn flakes..walllaa!!

Me with my sisters..dorg sume excited! bagus2..follow me hahaha =P
(Taken 16/09/11 @ Seoul Garden IOI Mall , Puchong)
My 1st visit with my frens..izzah n Su..
(Taken 27/10/2010 @ Seoul Garden One Utama)
owhh ya price??
Ni sy google kt tenet. The prices excludes service charge 10%
Untung kn jadik student lg??hehe... Peringatan kpd student2..bwk lah matrik kad anda ke mana2 je pon..slagi boleh guna, guna lah! masuk tgok wayang pon sy pkai student card lg! biar da expired smpn taw leh pkai?muka kn bajet muda!=P

Burrrrppppppp....Alhamdulillah.heee.. best kn?? ^^

i loveeeee makan2! hehe.. 
Till here, Saranghae oppa!!oopss..tetibe hehe..(sindrom ceghita korean) =P

 사랑해요 !!


  1. wah! best2..nak pegi jugak. tp x kenal tmpat =P

    ada byk lagi. tp xsempat nak cari

  2. bler nk pegi??set time set duwettt jommm!! hehe..

    thx link tuh! nak servei2 dulu....kalo de pape info mnarik gtaw2 yerr...heee =P
